Magnetometer measurements

In our application lab we offer a SQUID-based Magnetic Property Measurement System MPMS3 and a DynaCool both with a variety of options.
The following measurements can be provided:
- Magnetic moment detection, sensitivity <= 1 x 10-8 emu (field: +/- 7 Tesla, 1.8 K to 400 K)
- Hysteresis loops M(H), FC, ZFC, M(T) scans
- VSM & DC measurements
- Transport measurements (with resistivity kit and external device)
- Susceptibility (up to 10 Oe excitation)
- Low Field option to get superconducting magnet close to zero field
- DynaCool
- Magnetic moment detection, sensitivity 1 x 10-6 emu (field: +/- 9 Tesla, 1.9 K to 400 K) with Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
- Hysteresis loops M(H), FC, ZFC, M(T) scans
- Determination of magnetic susceptibility
- Transport measurements (10 nOhm .. 5 GOhm) with electrical transport option (ETO): resistivity, IV-curves, dV/dI
- Heat capacity – calorimetric investigation
- Thermal conductivity
- Optical transport investigation based on a tunable light source

Systems and options available:
- VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer)
- DC
- Oven option
- AC susceptibility option
- ULF (Ultra Low Field)
- Evercool
- DynaCool, 9 Tesla System, 1.85 K to 400 K
- Resistivity
- ETO (electrical transport)
- ACMS II (AC-susceptibility)
- VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer)
- Heat capacity (calorimetry)
- MFP (multifunction probe)
- Thermal Transport (TTO)