20. May 2025  - 21. May 2025 Halle, Germany - Booth 6

CAM Workshop 2025

12th CAM-Workshop on „Failure Analysis and Material Diagnostics of Electronics Components"

As usual, the CAM-Workshop will bring together experts from the electronics industry and material diagnostics equipment manufacturers. The goal is to discuss challenges, innovative solutions, and future requirements in the field of failure analysis and material characterization of electronic devices, sensors, and systems.

We will present the following systems at CAM workshop for failure analysis and inspection:

  • Correlative SEM-AFM with the FusionScope from QD Microscopy (EDS, EBIC, EFM, MFM, CFM...)
  • Breakthrough x-ray analysis systems from Sigray (XRF, XAS, XRM,…)
  • In-situ microscopy solutions (force, temperature, liquid,…) from Deben and DENSsolutions
  • Sputter & carbon coaters from Quorum
  • high performance detectors for 4D-STEM, EBSD, EELS, µED,...
Dr. Andreas Bergner
Dr. Andreas Bergner
Dr. Simon John
Dr. Simon John
Event website CAM Workshop


Quantum Design Turkiye

Sakarya Mah. Bassehir Sk. 14/A
06230 Altindag / Ankara

Phone:+90 532 3205241