Our partner for breakthrough X-ray technology – Sigray, Inc.

AttoMap, Sigray’s µXRF system
Our new partner Sigray, Inc. has developed completely new approaches to x-ray technology that up to now have only been possible in synchrotron beamline experimental setups.
AttoMap, Sigray’s µXRF system, offers the highest sensitivity and best resolution found in any laboratory µXRF system on the market. It can be used for both transmission mode analysis and fluorescence chemical mapping. First measurement results show a sensitivity of better then 1-10 ppm with an acquisition time of only one minute.
Compared to conventional µXRF systems, the AttoMap system has the following advantages:
- Unique multi-target, high-brightness microfocus x-ray source
- Twin paraboloidal mirror lenses with high resolution (<8-20 µm)
- Large working distances
- Achromatic, symmetric spot with minimal tailing, intense flux delivery to focus
- X-ray mirror lens that collects 10 times more fluorescence x-rays than conventional designs
AttoMap provides the ultimate laboratory microXRF performance.
- It provides highest resolution at single-digit microns-scale (e.g. 3-5 µm MTF)
- Boasts 500 times higher throughput, which leads to a dramatically faster analytical speed of only a single minute, compared with up to half a day with standard µXRF systems
- Delivers sub-ppm and sub-femtogram sensitivity in seconds
- Is the only µXRF system that can map trace elements. Conventional microXRF systems map only major constituents at reasonable throughputs, due to long spot acquisition times for trace elements
- Features accurate quantification capabilities and an optional dual- energy source for maximum flexibility
- Is capable of analyzing buried microfeatures