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Themen in dieser Ausgabe

About us

Specim awarded LOT-QuantumDesign

We are happy to announce that Specim, our longterm partner in hyperspectral imaging, has recognized LOT-QuantumDesign as Partner of the year 2015.


The times they are a-changing and names and locations ... bye bye Zygo

At the end of April 2016 the European Zygo office moved to a new location about 5 km away from our current place.



HILA – Cryogenic experiments with SPM or cavities

High Inertia, Low Acceleration (HILA) Workstation has been designed as ultra stable, mechanical environment for cryogenic measurements.


FMR measurements with our Cryostation

The paper describes an experiment where researchers of the Universities of Gothenburg and Stockholm analyzed the magneto-dynamic properties of yttrium…


Loophole-free Bell experiment –If Einstein knew this

“It seems hard to sneak a look at God’s cards. But that he plays dice and uses ‘telepathic’ methods (as the present quantum theory requires of him) is…



New intelligent real-time and on-board image processing for NIR imaging systems

Xenics have launched a new SWIR camera for a wide range of surveillance systems that require intelligent real-time and on-board image processing.


In situ observations of nano precipitate growth

Dispersion strengthening is a common phenomenon used to enhance the strength of engineering materials.


Biological cryo-TEM experiments – Below 3 Å?

The achievable resolution plays an important role in biological cryo-TEM experiments. For a long time it has been impossible to analyze structures…


New intensified sCMOS camera from Andor Technology

Andor have added another model to their popular and successful iStar ICCD camera series.

The new model is based on the Zyla-5.5 sCMOS camera and…


SWIR imaging of guided and scattered light from silicon PICs

Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) are a key enabling technology in application areas from telecommunications and biosensing, to quantum optics. To…


Active optical debris detection: Highly accurate position determination of space debris orbits

A first step to minimizing the risk of space debris colliding with space assets is the precise determination of the position of their orbits.


Life sciences

Force measurements at the nanoscale – NanoTweezer Surface

Nanoparticles are becoming increasingly more important in commercial and industrial products. Typical application fields range from cosmetics over…


Materials science

Woollam newsletter – Edition 17 now published

Find interesting articles on spectroscopic ellipsometry and the Woollam company in edition 17. For example an extensive article on ellipsometric…


We are pleased to invite you to this year’s MPMS3 user workshops:

Locations: LOT-QuantumDesign, Darmstadt, Germany, Leuven, Belgium, St. Petersburg, Russia and Zurich, Switzerland


Woollam Ellipsometer RC2 – Extended spectral range to 2500 nm

By definition, spectroscopic ellipsometry covers a broad spectral range. Our ellipsometer model RC2 covers the range from 190 nm to 1700 nm.



Spring cleaning – Special offer on optical components

We have cleaned up our stock of optical components and offer bandpass, notch, edge and color glass filters for a great range of applications. All…


Laser assembly station – Now with new options

Brand new options enable even faster data acquisition and an even higher resolution. A new optics module is also available which provides further…



Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Telefon:+49 6157 80710-0
Fax:+49 6157 80710920