European PPMS DynaCool workshops – A great success

In June of this year we successfully held our established PPMS DynaCool workshops.

We started at the University of Duis­burg-Essen, where a PPMS DynaCool had just been installed.

This was followed by further workshops in Amsterdam, Versailles, Bres­lau and Didcot (UK). All in all, this year’s workshops were attended by over 70 participants.

We had presentations on the most com­mon measurement options like VSM, electro transport (ETO) and heat capacity and discussed user experiments and the integration of proprietary measurement instruments into the DynaCool. In sum, participants were able to take home a broad range of practical and theoretical insights.

The pictures show working time: Dr. Neil Dilley of Quantum Design giving a presentation. And breaktime: “Currywurst” is an obligatory snack in Duisburg.

Do you work with a PPMS DynaCool and have not had the chance to visit one of our workshops? Find all presentations in the user database Pharos, or contact us for a printout.


Dr. Marc Kunzmann
Dr. Marc Kunzmann


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Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Dr. Marc KunzmannProduct Manager - Cryogenics & Materials science
+49 6157 80710-46
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