Latest sub-kelvin measuring functions by Quantum Design
The publication “Evidence for a low-temperature magnetic ground state in double-perovskite iridates with Ir5+ (5d4) ions” of the University of Colorado-Boulder highlights many of Quantum Design’s latest sub-kelvin measuring functions. Among them are the helium-3 option for the MPMS and the ACDR option. To read the manuscript, go to the APS “Physical Review B” website
Measurements of magnetic susceptibility and DC magnetization were carried out using a Quantum Design MPMS-7 magnetometer with superconducting quantum interference device. It is provided with helium-3 refrigeration capable of reaching low temperatures down to 0.44 K. A Quantum Design Dynacool physical property measurement system (PPMS) was equipped with a dilution refrigerator and a 14-Tesla magnet. AC magnetic susceptibility measurements over the temperature range from 0.05 K to 4 K were carried out using small AC drive fields (< 4 Oe rms). The PPMS was also used to perform heat capacity measurements in applied magnetic fields up to 14 T and temperatures down to 0.05 K. Access to low temperatures was essential to obtain adequate characterization of the magnetic ground state of the double-perovskite iridate samples.
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