Chemical and nanoscale imaging system
alpha300 RA from WITecThe well-established Raman-atomic force microscope (AFM) combination alpha300 RA was the first integrated Raman AFM system on the market and continues to set the standard for combined instrument configurations. The alpha300 RA incorporates the features of the Raman microscopy system alpha300 R for powerful chemical imaging along with features of the atomic force microscopy system (alpha300 A) for high-resolution nanoscale surface characterization and thus facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the samples.
- Excellent combination of comprehensive surface characterization on the nanometer scale (AFM) with chemical imaging (Raman)
- Ideally suited for combined techniques such as simultaneous Raman-AFM measurements
- Switch between the measurement techniques is realized by a rotation of the objective turret
- No sample movement between the measurements
- Provides all features of the alpha300 R (Raman) and the alpha300 A (AFM) microscope in one instrument
Further information
With the alpha300 RA the two complimentary imaging techniques are available in a single instrument without compromise and are controlled by one software suite for the highest ease-of-use and reliability. Switching between the imaging techniques requires just a turn of the objective turret, with all imaging parameters automatically adjusted and the same sample area easily imaged with both techniques. The software also allows the effortless correlation of the Raman and AFM results and the image overlay.
The alpha300 RA is ideally suited for combined imaging techniques such as TERS for high-resolution Raman imaging or simultaneous Raman-AFM measurements.
The alpha300 RA offers the following extensions:
- Automated motorized sample positioner in x-, y-, and z-direction, 25 mm travel range (50 mm travel range optional)
- Automated confocal Raman Imaging (25 x 25 mm; optional 50 x 50 mm)
- Automated multi-area and multi-point measurements
- Raman depth profiling
- 2D and 3D Raman mapping
- Autofocus
alpha500 RA for automated large sample investigations:
- Motorized scan stage for large-area confocal Raman mapping (150 x 100 mm) with automated sample positioner in x-, y-, and z-direction
- Motorized z-stage system for automated approach
- Microscope base with active vibration isolation system
- Automated large area confocal Raman Imaging (150 x 100 mm)
- Automated multi-area and multi-point measurements
- 2D and 3D Raman mapping
- Raman depth profiling
- Autofocus
Raman Operation Modes:
- Raman spectral imaging: acquisition of a complete Raman spectra at every image pixel
- Planar (x-y-direction) and depth scans (z-direction)
- Nano-Manipulation/Lithography
- Image stacks: 3D confocal Raman Imaging
- Time series
- Single point Raman spectrum acquisition
- Single-point depth profiling
- Ultrafast Raman Imaging (1300 spectra per second) optional available
- Confocal fluorescence microscopy
- Bright Field Microscopy
- Dark Field, Phase Contrast and DIC optional
- Upgradable for epi-fluorescence applications
AFM Operation Modes:
- Contact Mode
- AC Mode (Tapping Mode)
- Digital Pulsed Force Mode (DPFM)
- Lift Mode
- Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
- Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
- Phase Imaging
- Force Distance Curves
- Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
- Chemical Force Microscopy (CFM)
- Current Sensing Mode
Microscope Features:
- Research grade optical microscope with 6 x objective turret
- Video system: eyepiece color video camera
- LED white-light source for Köhler illumination of tip and sample
- High sensitivity b/w video camera to view sample and SNOM/AFM tip in transmission
- Manual sample positioning in x- and y-direction, 25 mm travel
- Microscope base with active vibration isolation system
- Piezo-driven scan stage (scan range 100 x 100 x 20 µm; others optional)
- Sample Size: