Customized projects at Montana Instruments
Our long-standing partner in the field of optical cryostats, Montana Instruments, has been known for customized solutions since its foundation. The adaptations complement their user-friendly cryostats with closed cooling circuits and low vibrations and round off their product portfolio in the high-end range. The cryostats can be integrated into the optical setup directly after installation and there are no more adjustments to make before starting the measurement.
The options that Montana Instruments offer for the individualization of their cryostats are now shown with real-life projects on a separate subpage of their website [1].
The depicted examples include permanent magnets that are integrated into the cryostats to apply a small magnetic field to the sample, or the combination with stronger electromagnets that have a field strength of 1 to 2 Tesla. There are solutions for ion traps in a Cryostation s200 and a chamber with ultra-high vibration stability. There are also solutions for placing 3-inch wafers in the sample chamber for optical investigations.
All of this is provided by a dedicated team of Montana Instruments engineers to enable the customer's research application. A design and cost estimate will be prepared in close cooperation with you.
Check out Montana’s website for inspiration. Then challenge our specialists and discuss your requirements with us.
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