Helium recovery with proprietary liquefaction

We have a comprehensive guide on available helium recovery systems on our website [1] and would be happy to discuss your helium recovery requirements and options.
We provide all necessary components. For example: Lab liquefiers with various capacities, NexGen helium liquefiers [2] and the coldhead-based helium gas purifier ATP-30 [3]. At the current helium prices, a liquefaction system pays off after only a few
To get a first impression of the economic efficiency and the most profitable configuration, all we need is your yearly helium consumption.

[1] https://qd-europe.com/helium-introduction/

[2] https://qd-europe.com/helium-liquefier/

[3] https://qd-europe.com/helium-gas-purifier/

More about helium recovery and liquefaction


Dr. Marc Kunzmann
Dr. Marc Kunzmann


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Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Dr. Marc KunzmannProduct Manager - Cryogenics & Materials science
+49 6157 80710-46
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