Optical cryostats

Optical measurements at low temperatures require an environment with low vibrations. Only a few cryostats with closed helium cycle provide a sufficiently strong vibration isolation. Here you will find various cryosystems with a vibration level of only a few nanometers.
Quantum Design's OptiCool features a 7 Tesla split-coil magnet that provides a generous 89 mm of sample space. It is the only ... 

Optical measurements at low temperatures require an environment with low vibrations. Only a few cryostats with closed helium cycle provide a sufficiently strong vibration isolation. Here you will find various cryosystems with a vibration level of only a few nanometers.
Quantum Design's OptiCool features a 7 Tesla split-coil magnet that provides a generous 89 mm of sample space. It is the only system on the market that combines a superconducting magnet with only 10 nm peak-to-peak vibrations at the sample in a cryogen-free benchtop design. Great flexibility and the best NA are obtained with the CryoAdvance from Montana Instruments. NA down to 0.9 is achieved via an integrated objective. Both cryosystems offer optical access from the top and sides, are fully automated and can be installed directly on an optical stage.

Optical cryostats - Cryogen-free optical cryostat with 7-Tesla field
Cryogen-free optical cryostat with 7-Tesla field

The OptiCool is a low-temperature, high-magnetic field platform from Quantum Design. The cryogen-free cryostat is mounted on an optical table and can easily be integrated in a variety of optical ...

Optical cryostats - 4 K optical cryostat
4 K optical cryostat

The CryoAdvance™, a closed-cycle optical cryostat from Montana Instruments, is perfectly suited for cutting-edge optical experiments. The superior vibration isolation reduces the motion of the sample ...


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