14. June 2021  - 24. June 2021 Online seminar series

QDE Summer School: Low temperature and related topics

This online seminar series will provide compact information about low temperature and related topics as central theme. We will discuss helium liquefaction, cryogenic probe stations, cryogenic temperature sensors, magnetometers and cryogenfree optical cryostats.

For the detailed schedule, please have a look below. The presentations will be held in English language and will not be recorded. For helping us in the organization we kindly ask for registration which will be opened soon.

We look forward to meeting you !

14.06.2021 – 11.00 a.m.

Cryogenic temperature sensors
Dr. Tobias Adler

This presentation will discuss how to successfully select the appropriate temperature sensor for your cryogenic application. We will touch topics like placement, electrical connection, heat sink, required materials, thermal contact, package adapter and mounting method as well as the role of optical isolation.


15.06.2021 – 11.00 a.m.

Probe stations for cryogenic temperatures
Matthias Müller

Probe stations enable scientists, researchers, and electrical engineers to obtain information about fundamental properties through convenient, repeatable measurements. Lake Shore’s probe stations can provide a controlled temperature down to 4,2 K and field of up to 2,5 T. These tools are perfect for the measurement of electrical properties of materials and early-stage electronic devices.


16.06.2021 – 11.00 a.m.

Measurement of magnetic properties
Dr. Marc Kunzmann

The measurement of magnetic properties can play an important role in fundamental physics, chemistry and material science or can just be a key property for application with a magnetic background. This presentation will show the range of QDE’s magnetometers and will discuss the different concepts of magnetic field generation, temperature control and what sensitivity is accessible.


22.06.2021 – 11.00 a.m.

Optical cryostats for sophisticated applications
David Appel

Cutting edge applications such as quantum transport or microscopy at maximum resolution have ambitious requirements for the cryostat. It must combine easy optical access, high temperature stability and low vibration at the sample. Ideally is the cryostat cryogenfree so the researcher can focus on the scientific set-up. The Cryostation by Montana Instrument as well as the Opticool by Quantum Design meet all these features and will be presented in this talk.


24.06.2021 – 11.00 a.m.

The next generation of laboratory-scaled helium liquefier
David Appel

Quantum Design did release a new generation of portable Helium liquefiers: The NexGen. These systems are designed for a liquefication rate suitable for nearly any small and medium-size cryogenic laboratory. Running a NexGen helium liquefier is straightforward, and it is easy to use. A sustainable secondary effect is, that the NexGens helps to conserve helium as a limited commodity.

Due to a modular concept can one adapted an existing liquefier easily to growing Helium consumption.


David Appel
David Appel
Dr. Marc Kunzmann
Dr. Marc Kunzmann
Dr. Tobias Adler
Dr. Tobias Adler
Matthias Müller
Matthias Müller


Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Phone:+39 06 5004204
Fax:+39 06 5010389