Czerny-Turner Monochromators and Double Monochromators

Monochromators with optical gratings for spectral dispersion are established tools in spectroscopy from the UV to the IR. And from the beginning, the classic Czerny-Turner design has proven successful.  Our monochromators MSH-150 and MSH-300 are robust, high-performance measuring systems featuring highest wavelength accuracy at all grating angles and a fast grating turret traversing speed. Our monochromators are free of backlash.

  • Focal length: 150 mm or 300 mm, double monochromators to 600 mm
  • Fully automatic
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • Over 200 different gratings available
  • Control software and software development kit (LabView and others)

Further information

Check out our double monochromators for applications where the suppression of scattered light of a single monochromator is not enough. Depending on the application, they can be configured for either additive or subtractive dispersion. An optional oscillating mirror allows effortless switching from double to single operation.

Depending on the desired wavelength range, our monochromators can be fitted with various gratings. The usable range of applications is determined by the number of lines and the blaze wavelength. More than 200 different grating options guarantee a wide range of applications from the UV to the IR. Various entrance and exit slits, order sorting filters, condenser optics, fiber couplers and further accessories complement the system. Monochromators are used in spectral analysis or, when combined with one of our light sources, as tunable monochromatic light source. The integrated software helps choosing the correct grating and position. An optional programmable swing-away mirror (SAM) for entrance/exit selection allows spectral scans over wide ranges without the need for manual adjustment.



150 mm Czerny-Turner monochromator,
USB interface, software and SDK

Resolution 0.3 nm
Accuracy ± 0.3 nm
Reproducibility ± 0.05 nm
Grating size 30 mm x 30 mm
All values for gratings of 1200 l/mm; 10 µm slit width, reduced slit height


MSH-150F Monochromator with 2 fixed slits  
MSH-150 Monochromator with 2 manual variable slits  
MSH-150M Monochromator with 2 motorized slits  
MSZ-FW Programmable 6 position filter wheel for diameter 25 mm filters, inside mounted.
Position 6 holds a blind plate.

Diffraction gratings


300 mm Czerny-Turner monochromator,
USB interface, 180° configuration, software and SDK

Resolution 0.1 nm
Accuracy ± 0.2 nm
Reproducibility ± 0.05 nm
Grating size 68 mm x 84 mm
All values for gratings of 1200 l/mm; 10 µm slit width, reduced slit height


MSH-300F Monochromator with 2 fixed slits  
MSH-300 Monochromator with 2 manual variable slits  
MSH-300M Monochromator with 2 motorized slits  
Additional entrance or exit ports

(Order sorting filter wheel MSZ-FW cannot be operated at the same side.)

MSZ-SF Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
fixed slit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-SV Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
manual variable slit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-SM Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
motorized slit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-FW Programmable 6 position filter wheel for diameter 25 mm filters, inside mounted.
Position 6 holds a blind plate.

2 x 150 mm Czerny-Turner monochromators,
USB interface, symmetric additive configuration, software and SDK

Resolution 0.1 nm
Accuracy ± 0.05 nm (incl. software correction)
Reproducibility ± 0.05 nm
Grating size 33 mm x 33 mm

All values for gratings of 1200 l/mm; 10 µm slit width,
reduced slit height, additive configuration


MSHD-150F Double monochromator with 3 fixed slits  
MSHD-300 Double monochromator with 3 manual variable slits  
MSHD-150M Double monochromator with 3 motorized slits  
MSZ-FW Programmable 6 position filter wheel for diameter 25 mm filters, inside mounted.
Position 6 holds a blind plate.

2 x 300 mm Czerny-Turner monochromators,
USB interface, subtractive or additive configuration, software and SDK

Resolution 0.05 nm
Accuracy ± 0.1 nm
Reproducibility ± 0.0025 nm
Grating size 68 mm x 84 mm
All values for gratings of 1200 l/mm; 10 µm slit width,
reduced slit height, additive configuration

Additive configuration
MSHD-300AF Double monochromator with 3 fixed slits
MSHD-300A Double monochromator with 3 manual variable slits
MSHD-300AM Double monochromator with 3 motorized slits  
Subtractive configuration
MSHD-300SF Double monochromator with 3 fixed slits
MSHD-3002 Double monochromator with 3 manual variable slits
MSHD-300SM Double monochromator with 3 motorized slits
Additional entrance or exit ports

(Order sorting filter wheel MSZ-FW cannot be operated at the same side.)

MSZ-SF Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
fixed slit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-SV Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
manual variable slit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-SM Remote operated swing away mirror with 1
motorizedslit holder for additional slit at 90°.
MSZ-FW Programmable 6 position filter wheel for diameter 25 mm filters, inside mounted. Position 6 holds a blind plate.


MSHD-150 Double monochromator
MSHD-300 Double monochromator
Diffraction gratings


Ing. Fabrizio Renzi
Ing. Fabrizio Renzi

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Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Phone:+39 06 5004204
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Ing. Fabrizio RenziSales Engineer
+39 06 5004204
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