In vivo micro-tomography scanner
vivaCT from Scanco MedicalScanco Medical is a Swiss company specialized for over 30 years in the development and production of high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography systems. Scanco Medical’s life sciences scanner vivaCT is the ideal system for the imaging of very small structures of in vivo samples, like mice and small rabbits.
- Imaging of in-vivo structures up to 14 µm
- Gating control monitor for animal breathing
- Live observation camera
- Optional automated filter changer for optimizing the energy spectra
Further information
The “vivaCT” series scanner is optimized for in vivo applications, having specific monitoring systems for animals, as well as respiratory gating stages.
All Scanco Medical micro-CT scanners are supplied with a complete software suite of all tools for scanning, 3D analysis, visualization, image management and data import/export. For 3D tomographic reconstruction, Scanco Medical’s systems have basic computing version in HP Integrity Server with Windows OS license. The standard software bundle can be enriched by adding a sophisticated finite element analysis add-on software (FEA) developed by Scanco Medical.
The image reconstruction process can also be improved with the SCANCO GPU accelerated system, an optional module for faster image reconstruction. This option sharply reduces computing times and frees up resources on the workstation. The images reconstructed with SCANCO GPU are fully compatible with the images reconstructed by the standard reconstruction process.
All images can be exported in a wide range of standard formats, while entire data sets can be exported as image sequences in DICOM, JPEG, TIFF format or as STL files for the usage in different analysis softwares. Moreover, image sequences in raw data or DICOM format from other imaging systems can be imported to allow 3D analysis with the Scanco Medical systems’ integrated visualizer.