Picosecond and Femtosecond lasers for biophotonics

Picosecond and Femtosecond lasers for biophotonics - Ultra compact femtosecond laser for biophotonics ALCOR SERIES
Ultra compact femtosecond laser for biophotonics ALCOR SERIES

ALCOR produces high-average power with ultrashort femtosecond pulses (down to <140 fs) at high repetition rate (80 MHz standard, others optional) in an ultra-compact and robust format, offering fixed ...

Picosecond and Femtosecond lasers for biophotonics - Compact picosecond fiber laser for biophotonics ANTARES Series
Compact picosecond fiber laser for biophotonics ANTARES Series

ANTARES is a picosecond, quasi-continuous wave laser with a high repetition rate up to 80 MHz and a narrow linewidth, in a very compact and robust format. This laser series offers average powers 1W ...


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