Camere CCD con shutter

Seria iKon-M, iKon-L e iKon-XL da Oxford Instruments Andor

La Oxford Instruments Andor offre un’ampia gamma di camere CCD per quelle applicazioni scientifiche che richiedono detectors dalle alte prestazioni. Le camere CCD Andor sono disponibili con sensori Front e Back Illuminated e con coating anti-riflesso ottimizzato per la specifica applicazione ed in grado di convertire più del 90% dei fotoni incidenti in segnale rilevabile.

La tecnologia UltraVac di Andor garantisce le condizioni di vuoto del sensore e ne assicura, attraverso l’efficiente sistema di raffreddamento termoelettrico, temperature minime di lavoro fino a -100 °C. Il Read Noise è inoltre minimizzato grazie ai convertitori A/D di alta qualità per i quali è possibile selezionare via software bassi valori di read out rate tra quelli disponibili. Le camere CCD classiche richiedono uno shutter meccanico per evitare effetti smearing nell’immagine durante il processo di read out.

  • CCD con sensore Front e Back Illuminated con varie opzioni di coating AR
  • Sensori con formato 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, 2048 x 2048 e 4096 x 4112 pixels
  • Sistema di raffreddamento termo-elettrico con temperatura minima raggiungibile di -100° C (valori di dark current trascurabili)
  • Convertitore A/D a 16-bit o 18-bit ad alte prestazioni con basso readout noise
  • Interfaccia USB 2.0

Maggiori informazioni

Le camere CCD Andor Serie iKon-M e iKon-L sono progettate per applicazioni caratterizzate da bassi livelli di  luce e da lunghi tempi di esposizione.

Valori di dark current estremamente ridotti consentono tempi di esposizione dell’ordine di centinaia di secondi e anche di molti minuti. Le dimensioni del pixel (13 µm o superiore) associate all’elevata capacità ed al basso rumore del convertitore A/D conferiscono alle CCD Serie iKon-M, iKon-L e iKon-XL un elevato range dinamico. Inoltre, grazie alla struttura del sensore ed al singolo canale di read out, le camere CCD Andor sono caratterizzate da un’eccellente linearità (> 99%) ed uniformità.


3.21 MB
iKon-XL 231 (4096 x 4108 x 15 µm)
2.70 MB
iKon-XL 230 (4096 x 4108 x 15 µm)
478.25 KB
iKon-M 912 (512 x 512 x 24 µm)
1.62 MB
iKon-L 936 (2048 x 2048 x 13,5 µm)
924.80 KB
iKon-M 934 (1024 x 1024 x 13 µm)
2.03 MB
iKon-M PV Inspector (1024 x 1024 x 13 µm)


Fisica degli ioni e degli atomi freddi
Foto- ed Elettro-Luminescenza
Radiografia e Tomografia


iKon-XL launch webinar
Software for cameras and spectropgraphs
Liquid cooling system EXT-440
Camera windows
Optical etaloning
UltraVac permanent vacuum head and performance longevity
Cameras for astronomy
Remote camera server


Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 1
Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 2
Andors Cameras for Observational Astronomy Technical Aspects and Applications
iKon XL Launch Webinar
Remote Camera Server Online Seminar

Opinioni degli utenti

Title Author(s) Institute Year Spectrograph/
Quantum optics
Imaging of ultracold Bose-Fermi mixtures S. Häfner,
M. Gerken,
B. Tran,
M. Filzinger, R. Eberhard, C. Renner,
B. Zhu,
J. Ulmanis,
E. D. Kuhnle,

Institute of Physics,
Heidelberg University,

2017 iKon-M DU934P-BEX2-DD
Improved detection of small atom numbers through image processing A. F. Tauschinsky,
C. F. Ockeloen,
N. J. van Druten,
S. Whitlock,
R. J. C. Spreeuw
Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Spectral characteristics of an integrated Type-I parametric down-conversion source in Ti:PPLN waveguides S. Krapick,
H. Herrmann,
V. Quiring,
B. Brecht,
H. Suche,
Ch. Silberhorn
Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany 2012

iKon-M DU934P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL

Spectroscopic study of confined semiconductor structures T. Huber,
H. Jayakumar,
P. Mai,
B. Pressl,
M. Sassermann,
Z. Vörös,
G. Weihs
Department of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria 2012

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Expansion of 1d Quasicondensates in an Atom Chip Trap M. Trimmel,
D. Fischer,
W. Rohringer,
M. Trupke,
J. Schmiedmayer
VCQ Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 2011

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Single Pulse Quantum Imaging M. Förtsch,
C. Wittmann,
C. Marquardt,
G. Leuchs
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany 2011

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Multi-component quantum gases in spin-dependent hexagonal lattices P. Soltan-Panahi Institute of Laser Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany 2010

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Detection of spin squeezing on an atom chip P. Böhi Munich Atom Chip Group, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich and Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany 2010

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Quantum Memory in an Optical Dipole Trap C.-S. Chuu Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany 2008

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Investigating mixtures of fermionic elements at ultracold temperatures F. Schreck Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria 2007


Optisches Gitter im Hochfinesse- Ringresonator B. Nagorny Institute of Laser Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany 2003


SPECULOOS Southern Observatory hunts for habitable planets D. Sebastian
and the SPECULOOS team
Institut  d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique,
Université de Liège, Belgique
2019 iKon-L DZ936N-BEX2-DD
Searching for Long-Period Exoplanets orbiting Giant Stars at the Landessternwarte Heidelberg S. Reffert,
M. Tala,
P. Heeren,
S. Sadegi
Landessternwarte, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg,
2017 iKon-L
Rare five star, doubly-eclipsing star system discovered M. Lohr Department of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes,
United Kingdom

iKon-L DW936N-BV

New exoplanet-hunting telescopes on Paranal
NGTS facility achieves first light
H. Rauer Institute of Planetary Research, DLR, Berlin, Germany 2015

iKon-L DW936N-BR-DD

Wide-eyed Telescope finds Transiting Planets around Distant Stars   SuperWASP Consortium, United Kingdom 2007


EL/PL imaging, breakdown analysis and series resistance of silicon solar cells B. Schwind,
J. Bauer,
O. Breitenstein
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany 2013

iKon-M PV Inspector DU934P-CSV-BR-DD

Characterization of silicon thin film solar cells by electroluminescence imaging V. Mönkemöller2,
A. Gondorf1,
M. Niederkrüger1,
U. Heinzmann2,
H. Stiebig1
1Malibu GmbH & Co KG, Bielefeld, Germany
2Institute for Innovation Transfer at the University of Bielefeld GmbH, Germany

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Characterization of Polymer Solar Cells and Modules by Luminescence Imaging M. Seeland,
R. Rösch,
B. Muhsin,
H. Hoppe
Institute of Physics, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Electroluminescence for Characterisation of Solar Cells D. Kiliani Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany 2009

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Neutron imaging
Reconstruction of an Old Watch with Neutron Tomography W. Treimer,
S.-O. Seidel,
O. Ebrahimi
Insitute of Physics, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany 2010


Neutronentomographie einer Gasturbinenschaufel J. Brunner Institute of Experimental Physics E21, Technical University of Munich, Germany 2004


µ-Photoluminescence imaging setup for optical characterisation of ZnO-based microcavities M. Thunert,
T. Michalsky,
M. Wille,
S. Richter,
H. Franke,
C. Sturm,
R. Schmidt-Grund,
M. Grundmann
Institute for Experimental Physics II, University of Leipzig, Germany 2014

iKon-M DU934P-BU2

Spectral characteristics of an integrated Type-I parametric down-conversion source in Ti:PPLN waveguides S. Krapick,
H. Herrmann,
V. Quiring,
B. Brecht,
H. Suche,
Ch. Silberhorn
Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany 2012

iKon-M DU934P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL

Spectroscopic study of confined semiconductor structures T. Huber,
H. Jayakumar,
P. Mai,
B. Pressl,
M. Sassermann,
Z. Vörös,
G. Weihs
Department of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria 2012

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DD

Detection of Explosives Based on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy L. Gundrum,
W. Hüttner,
H. Wackerbarth
Photonic Sensor Technology Group, Laser Laboratory Göttingen, Germany 2010

iKon-M DU934N-BR-DDShamrock SR-303i-A

Multi-Channel and Fiber-Spectroscopy in Astronomy A. Kelz Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, Germany 2010

iKon-M DU934N-BV

1DU434 replaced by iKon-M 934
2DW436 replaced by iKon-L 936
3DV437 not available anymore


Ing. Alessandro Baratti
Ing. Alessandro Baratti


Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Telefono:+39 06 5004204
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Ing. Alessandro BarattiProduct Manager
+39 06 5004204
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