Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)
from Quantum DesignThe PPMS is an automated low-temperature and magnet system for the measurement of material properties like specific heat, magnetic AC and DC susceptibility and both electrical and thermal transport properties (like Hall Effect, thermoelectric figure of merit and Seebeck Effect).
- Performs fully automated measurements
- Modular design offers variety of applications
- Temperature range 1.9 K to 400 K
- Magnetic field up to ±16 Tesla
- Optional cryogen-free feature
Further information
The temperature can be varied continuously between 1.9 K and 400 K, while a magnetic field of up to ±16 Tesla can be applied. The so-called Continuous Low-Temperature Control (CLTC) maintains temperatures below 4.2 K for indefinite periods of time and offers smooth temperature transitions when warming and cooling through 4.2 K.
User experiments with external instruments may automatically be controlled with the Visual Basic interface integrated within our Windows-based MultiVu control software or by controlling external Visual C++, Delphi or Visual Basic programs.
The base unit of the PPMS consists of a cryostat with a superconducting magnet coil. The different measurement options result from the use of different measurement inserts or sample holders and activating the according software mode. The optional EverCool II dewar features an integrated helium re-liquefier which makes the system virtually cryogen-free. Helium gas is only needed for purging the sample chamber.
Magnetic properties
- Vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM)
- 1000 K oven
- Fiber optic sample mount
- FORC option - AC susceptibility
- Torque magnetometry
- Ultra-Low field measurements
- Pressure cell
Thermal properties
- Heat capacity
- Rotator - Thermal transport
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermoelectric effect
Mechanical properties
- Dilation
- Elasticity
Electric properties
- Electro transport
- Van der Pauw – Hall transport
- Rotator
- Pressure cell
- FMR spectroscopy
Sub-Kelvin capabilities
- Helium-3 System
- Heat capacity
- Electro-transport - Dilution refrigerator system
- Heat Capacity
- Electro-transport
- AC susceptibility
3rd party experiments
- Multi function probe
- Optical multi function probe
Reference customers
"We have a Quantum Design MPMS-XL-7 and a PPMS-14 system in our Neutron Scattering and Magnetism Laboratory, Institute for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich. We have a number of inserts and add-ons, including the iQuantum 3He system and pressure cell for the MPMS, and VSM, dilution refrigerator and AC option for the PPMS. This equipment was installed by the technical service of Quantum Design GmbH in early 2010. The machines have been operating 24/7 from the moment of installation. Until now we have had no problems except for minor 'I should have read the manual' moments. The technical service in Darmstadt, their patience and diligent and fast service have been very useful for us. We are totally satisfied with the products, and have recently ordered an additional PPMS-9 system from Quantum Design."
- Prof. Dr. Andrey Zheludev, ETH Zürich
"A Quantum Design PPMS-9 with reliquefier has been installed in February 2011 at our institute for Inorganic Chemistry at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. A technician from Quantum Design GmbH set up the system. The PPMS is intensively used ever since its installation. I can highly recommend the reliquefier for users, who have difficulties in the supply of liquid helium. To date, the reliquefier has been running for about 10 000 hours of operation without any trouble. It reliably recondenses the evaporating helium without any significant loss."
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Ebbinghaus, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Quantum Design GmbH
ul. Sztygarska 12/3
41-500 Chorzow
Phone: | +48 32 2482048 |
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