Xenics InGaAs line-scan cameras

Xenics offers InGaAs line-scan cameras with detectors for the wavelength range 900 - 1700 nm from their proprietary Belgian research and production. The Lynx series uses uncooled InGaAs lines with 512, 1024 or 2048 pixels. We offer rectangular or square detector pixels for different applications - spectroscopy or image processing. The Lynx cameras reach line rates of 40 kHz (with 512 and 1024 pixels) and 10 kHz with the 2048-pixel sensor. Thanks to the uncooled detector, Lynx has a very small footprint in an IP40 case.
As an XSL version series, camera modules of these detectors are available together with the surrounding electronics. The line-scan camera family Manx enhances the number of InGaAs lines in the high-speed range. Currently, it is the world’s fastest camera with an incredible 254000 Hz. Manx comes with a CoaXPress interface and a thermoelectrical cooler. We offer sensors with 512, 1024 or 2048 square pixels.


Dr. Octavian Buiu
Dr. Octavian Buiu


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Quantum Design

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