NIR-Spektroskopie mit Photodioden-Array
iDus InGaAs von Oxford Oxford Instruments AndorDie InGaAs-Detektoren von Oxford Instruments Andor basieren auf der iDus-Spektroskopieplattform und werden mit Photodiodenarrays (PDA) von 512 und 1024 Pixel angeboten. Die InGaAs-Detektoren eignen sich hervorragend für die NIR-Spektroskopie und decken einen Wellenlängenbereich von 500 nm bis 1700 nm bzw. von 1000 nm bis 2200 nm ab. InGaAs-Detektoren können als Standalone-NIR-Linienkamera eingesetzt oder mit einem Spektrograph oder Monochromator verbunden werden.
Title | Author(s) | Institute | Year | Spectrograph/ Detector |
Photovoltaics | ||||
Hybrid and organic photovoltaic devices characterized by electroluminescence spectroscopy | D. Hertel | Institute of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany | 2022 | iDus InGaAs DU491A-1.7, |
Quantitative photoluminescence of solar cell absorbers and the quality of the photo-excited state | L. Gütay | Laboratoy for Chalkogenid Photovoltaics, Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany | 2019 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 Kymera 193i-B2-SIL |
Luminescence detection of organic solar cells | U. Wuerfel | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg, Germany | 2016 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Characterization of organic solar cells | M. C. Scharber | Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, University of Linz, Austria | 2014 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Abnormal temperature behavior of band-to-band electroluminescence on Si solar cells | M. Kittler | IHP Leibniz-Institute for innovative Microelectronics, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany | 2010 | iDus InGaAs DU492A-2.2 |
Fluorescence Studies on rare Earth Ions in close Vicinity to metallic Nanoparticles | S. Wackerow, G. Seifert | Institute of Physics, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany | 2009 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Photoluminescence | ||||
Optical characterization of atomically thin 2D semiconductors | C. Ruppert, M. Betz | Experimentelle Physik 2, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany | 2015 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Characterisation of photoluminescence of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals | B. Kardynal, T. Stoica, L. Xi | Peter Grünberg Institute-9, Research Center Jülich, Germany | 2013 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Reliable photoluminescence quantum yield measurements in the near-infrared spectral region | S. Hatami, C. Würth, U. Resch-Genger | BAM Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany | 2013 | iDus InGaAs DU491A-1,7 |
Biomedical research | ||||
nIR fluorescence properties of functionalized carbon nanotubes | F. Mann, S. Kruss | Institute of Physical Chemistry, Göttingen University, Germany | 2018 | iDus InGaAs DU491A-1.7 Kymera-193i-B2 |
Spectral response of glucose within the optical window of tissue | D. Bremer, A. Plachy, H. Zimmermann, J. Landskron, I. Beckers, | Insitute of Physics, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany | 2012 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1,7 |
Optical spectroscopy in biomedical engineering | B. Kessler, W. Kullmann | Institute for Medical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Germany | 2012 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Optical transmission spectra for analysis of bloodcomponents and -gases | H. Gehring, B. Weber | University Medical Center of Schleswig- Holstein and University of Applied Sciences Lübeck, Germany | 2010 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-2.2 |
Fluorescence | ||||
nIR fluorescence properties of functionalized carbon nanotubes | F. Mann, S. Kruss | Institute of Physical Chemistry, Göttingen University, Germany | 2018 | iDus InGaAs DU491A-1.7 Kymera-193i-B2 |
Spectroscopy of f-elements in the Near Infrared Region | G. Geipel, S. Weiß | Institute of Resource Ecology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany | 2014 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-2,2 |
Absorption | ||||
Measurement of the infrared absorption of a MoTe2 monolayer | 1 I. Niehues, 1 R. Schmidt, 1 S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, 1 R. Bratschitsch ² K. Unterrainer | 1 University of Münster, | 2017 | iDus InGaAs DU491A-1.7, Shamrock SR-303i-B |
Raman | ||||
Raman spectroscopy in the NIR using InGaAs Multichannel Detectors | W. Browne | Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands | 2011 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Atmospheric physics | ||||
Measurement of OH airglow temperatures in the mesopause region | C. Schmidt, M. Bittner | German Aerospace Center, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany | 2011 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |
Beam diagnostics | ||||
Electro-optic bunch profile monitor at FLASH | L. Wißmann | FLA, Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany | 2011 | iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7 |