New application reports on the subject of "Electrical measurements"

New reports and application aids are available for all users who are interested in electrical measurements, lock-in, etc. Three reports on the following topics are currently available:
Application Brief  "Common-Mode Artifacts in 2D materials with Significant Contact Resistance"
Application Brief  "Compensated Resistance Measurements Using a Lock-In: How to handle Phase Shifts in a Measurement".
White Paper "A Practical Approach to Understanding External Noise"
The illustration comes from the paper "Common-Mode Artifacts". It shows a sketched test arrangement for the electrical characterization of a 2D material with a resistance of 10 ohms. The assumed contact resistances are 10 and 20 kOhm. A conventional test setup with a lock-in amplifier generally leads to an error of over 90% due to the common mode effect.
The M81-SSM measurement system from Lake Shore Cryotronics, performs measurements of th same sample almost error-free. This is achieved by using a balanced current source (BCS-10) and a voltmeter (VM-10) with a very high input resistance. A detailed discussion of the measurement example can be found in the application report mentioned above. We will be happy to send you this and the other two reports by e-mail.
If you have any questions about electrical measurements in AC, DC or with lock-in (also multi-channel), please do not hesitate to contact us.

More about electrical measurements



Dr. Marc Kunzmann
Dr. Marc Kunzmann


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Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Dr. Marc KunzmannProduct Manager - Cryogenics & Materials science
+49 6157 80710-46
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