Top-Class AFM for surface characterization from atomic resolution to wide scan ranges
DriveAFM from NanosurfThe DriveAFM is Nanosurf’s new flagship instrument, utilizes the latest technology to deliver stable, high-end performance. It was designed to fulfill the needs of top notch research, today and in the future.
- CleanDrive: stable excitation in air and liquid
- Ultra-low noise
- Direct drive: high-resolution imaging and large scan area
- Fully motorized system: full control via software
Further information
CleanDrive: stability in air and liquid with photothermal excitation
Photothermal excitation of the cantilever provides unparalleled stability, a linear frequency response, and a high excitation bandwidth in air and liquid environments. These benefits allow measurements at multiple frequencies and highspeed applications and open new horizons for innovative new measurement modes (e.g. Cytomass Monitor).
These advantages are amplified in liquids since only the cantilever beam is excited and the liquid environment remains largely unperturbed.
The DriveAFM, with its small light spots, is compatible with the use of small cantilevers, which bring several advantages in terms of performance, sensitivity and speed.
Ultra-low noise
The DriveAFM has a very low overall noise floor, which is achieved through a combination of a low-noise/low-coherence superluminescent diode, a low-noise/high-bandwidth photodetector used in the beam deflection detection module and the low-noise/high-bandwidth CX Controller. This is the basis for the stable, sensitive, and high-resolution imaging and force spectroscopy capability of the DriveAFM.
Direct drive scanner
The DriveAFM exploits the power of direct drive piezo actuation. The 1:1, non-geared actuation scheme of the DriveAFM’s flexure scanner provides more force and can drive stiffer scanners. The resulting higher resonance frequency of the scanner components allows for a higher available actuation bandwidth than with geared drives of the same scan size. The direct drive scanner actuation in combination with the low noise 28-bit CX Controller allows for both imaging at large scales and at high resolution without any compromise. As a result the DriveAFM is the perfect solution for high-resolution imaging of demanding samples such as nanostructures, proteins, or polymeric structures (e.g. DNA), and also for larger, micrometer-sized structures.
Full motorization
The DriveAFM is the first fully motorized AFM system that can be integrated with an inverted optical microscope. The adjustment of the two light sources for the beam deflection detection system and the CleanDrive photothermal excitation, as well as the photodetector, are fully motorized and can be controlled from the software. The tip approach to the sample is also motorized. The full motorization not only contributes to the ease of use but also allows new possibilities to fully automate the system.
DriveAFM for materials science
The DriveAFM combines performance and a wide range of applications important for material science research. Its unique direct drive tip scanner technology paired with CleanDrive are key for fast and stable operation in air and liquid. The tip scanner design makes the performance of the DriveAFM independent of the mass of the sample under investigation also allowing measurement on heavy samples. The full motorization not only simplifies working with the system but also facilitates automated measurements addressing different areas of a sample.
Besides reliable topographic imaging, the DriveAFM also features a complete set of different modes to investigate the nanoelectrical (e.g. C-AFM, KPFM, or PFM) or nanomechanical properties of your sample. The universe of accessories available for the DriveAFM offers extended functionality such as heating or cooling the sample, applying a variable magnetic field, detecting low electrical currents or investigating with in situ AFM imaging the changes taking place on electrodes during electrochemical processes.
Measurement of tip-check sample over 10 hours. 1st, 50th and 100th image. After 100 images no noticeable change in the tip curvature could be observed.
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