Our partner AOS Technologies

High-speed cameras for UAV

from AOS Technologies

To be successfully used with UAVs, high-speed cameras must be solid, small and lightweight.  The L-BLAST camera from AOS is all of that and includes a powerful sensor and long-lasting, rechargeable battery.

The powerful drone kit MAP2 allows L-BLAST to be used in combination with a drone.

Further information

L-BLAST 1000 is a high-speed camera specially enhanced to fit on an UAV.  It features an HDMI output and CFast interface to ensure that images can easily be saved during the flight. The camera is light-sensitive and can be used with short integration times and under poor light conditions. The detector is a full HD CMOS sensor with 1920 x 1080 pixels. It reaches frame rates of 1000 fps. The L-Blast standard package includes battery, CFast card and motion analysis software.

The optional MAP2 accessory kit allows the easy integration with drones.



  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • monochrome/color
  • no fan necessary
  • 1000 Hz full frame rate
  • 10-bit dynamic range
  • ISO 8000 monochrome, ISO 6000 color
  • CFast interface


  • Remote control signal converter
  • CH1 - Neutral, Trigger Activation
  • CH2 - Neutral, Power ON, Arm Recording
  • Cable set
  • Base plate for easy integration
  • For UAVs from 1.6 kg payload capacity


UAV and drone flights
Monitoring and surveillance


L-BLAST 1000 High-performance compact high-speed camera & MAP2 Drone kit
Software Imaging Studio v4
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Stefan Wittmer
Stefan Wittmer


Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Stefan WittmerProduct Manager - Imaging & Materials Science & Spectroscopy
+49 6157 80710-63
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