Photolithography systems

MicroWriter from Durham Magneto Optics (DMO)

The MicroWriter 3 Pro is a direct-write photolithography system. It is flexible and powerful and offers everything you need for high resolution combined with fast processing.

MicroWriter 3 Baby is the smallest optical lithography machine in the world and is offered at an affordable price.

  • High resolution
  • Fast writing speed
  • Easy-to-use
  • Cost effective
  • Flexible configuration

Further information

The MicroWriter 3 Pro works with a 385 nm photo diode which can be used for g-, h- and i-line resists (positive and negative and SU-8). The system provides four different resolutions which easily can be switched via the software (0.6 µm, 1 µm, 2 µm and 5 µm). As an option you can add 0.4 µm resolution. MicroWriter 3 Pro includes an optical profilometer and a wafer inspection tool.

Additionally one can add a 405 nm or 365 nm photo diode or the backside alignment option to the system.

The baby, the baby plus and the Mesa system are using a 405 nm diode as standard which can be change with a 385 nm or 365 nm.

Each system can be upgraded to the next level at any later stage which makes the MicroWriter family the most flexible direct write lithography platform in the market.


Microwriter Specification ML3 Baby ML3 Baby Plus ML3 Mesa ML3 Pro
Maximum substrate size [mm] 155 x 155 x 7 155 x 155 x 7 155 x 155 x 7 230 x 230 x 15
Maximum writing area [mm] 149 x 149 149 x 149 149 x 149 195 x 195
Exposure resolutions [µm] 1 1 and 5 0.6, 1, 5 0.6, 1, 2, 5 (0.4 as option)
Surface tracking autofocus system Yes Yes Yes Yes
Greyscale lithography Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alignment microscope objectives x10 x3 and x10 x3, x10, x20 x3, x5, x10, x20 (x50 as option)
Automatic lens changer for exposure resolution and alignment microscope No Yes Yes Yes
Backside alignment No No No Available as option
Exposure wavelength [nm] 405 (385 and 365 as option) 405 (385 and 365 as option) 405 (385 and 365 as option) 385 (365 nm as option)
Maximum writing speed 50 mm2/minute at 1 µm 50 mm2/minute at 1 µm 180 mm2/minute at 5 µm 17 mm2/minute at 0.6 μm, 50 mm2/minute at 1 μm 180 mm2/minute at 5 μm 17 mm2/minute at 0,6 µm, 50 mm2/minute at 1 µm, 120 mm2/minute at 2 µm , 180 mm2/minute at 5 µm
Overlay alignment accuracy at best resolution [µm] ±2 ±1 ±1 ±0,5
Minimum addressable grid [nm] 200 200 100 100
Motion stage minimum XY step size [nm] 15 15 15 4
Optical surface profiler Z resolution [nm] not applicalble 200 200 100
Automatic wafer inspection tool No Yes Yes Yes
Virtual mask aligner tool No Available as option Available as option Yes
Temperature stabilized enclosure No Available as option Available as option Yes
Supplied with vibration isolating optical table No No No Yes
Mask design software Open source KLayout supplied. Clewin available as option Open source KLayout supplied. Clewin available as option Open source KLayout supplied. Clewin available as option Clewin supplied
Can be upgraded? Yes Yes Yes No


Microelectronics and semiconductors
Microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip
Materials science
Graphene and other 2-dimensional materials
Loading and exposing a sample
Developing and viewing a sample


MicroWriter ML 3 family overview
MicroWriter ML 3 Pro
MicroWriter ML 3 Baby
MicroWriter ML 3 Baby Plus
MicroWriter ML 3 Mesa


Loading and exposing a sample
MicroWriter ML3 part 2 (HD)
General presentation ML3 Pro
How to perform exposure


Dr. Andreas Bergner
Dr. Andreas Bergner


Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Dr. Andreas BergnerProduct Manager - Electron microscopy & nanotechnology
+49 6157 80710-12
Write e-mail