Il nostro partner Oxford Instruments Andor

Camere CCD ad alte prestazioni

CCD Serie Newton e iVac da Oxford Instruments Andor

Le camere CCD Andor Serie Newton sono caratterizzate da un rumore estremamente basso e sono dunque progettate per offrire le più elevate prestazioni in termini di sensibilità e range dinamico per l’impiego in un’ampia gamma di applicazioni di Spettroscopia fino a quelle dai requisiti più stringenti.
Il convertitore A/D, con Readout Rate multi-MHz variabile e selezionabile via software, permette inoltre alle CCD Newton di eseguire acquisizioni con frame rate molto spinti in formato full frame.

Le modalità di acquisizione Multi-Track, Cropped Sensor e Fask Kinetics sono anche disponibili tramite semplice selezione della modalità di Readout via software.

  • Sensori CCD front- e back-illuminated con coating AR ottimizzato
  • Sensori con pixel size di 26 µm, 16 µm, 15 µm e 13.5 µm
  • Sistema di raffreddamento termoelettrico con temperatura minima raggiungibile di -100°C (valori di dark current trascurabili)
  • Convertitore A/D a 16-bit ad alte prestazioni con basso readout noise
  • Interfaccia USB 2.0

Maggiori informazioni

I bassi valori di read noise e di dark current, ottenibili con la selezione di bassi valori del readout rate per i convertitori A/D e grazie al sistema di raffreddamento termoelettrico con prestazioni fino a -100°C, rendono le CCD Andor Serie Newton la scelta ideale per le più avanzate applicazioni di Spettroscopia per le quali è richiesto un rapporto segnale rumore il più elevato possibile in tutte le condizioni di intensità del segnale.

Gli effetti dovuti all’etaloning sono inoltre minimizzati dalla tecnologia anti-fringing di cui i sensori Deep Depletion sono dotati come standard.

Andor offre CCD con pixel size di 26 µm ottimizzate per applicazioni che richiedono elevato range dinamico e CCD con pixel size di 16 µm, 15 µm e 13.5 µm per applicazioni dove è invece richiesta una maggiore risoluzione spettrale, dal range UV al NIR.

Le camere CCD Serie iVac rappresentano la soluzione Andor per applicazioni OEM di Spettroscopia. Disponibile con sensore front illuminated, non affetto da etaloning, da 1650x200 pixels con pixel size di 16 µm o con sensore back illuminated LDC-DD (Low Dark Current Deep Depletion) con tecnologia anti-fringing da 2000x256 pixels con pixel size di 15 µm, la CCD iVac è ottimizzata per applicazioni di Fluorescenza o Spettroscopia Raman nel range VIS-NIR.

Grazie alla comoda interfaccia USB 2.0 e alla tecnologia Andor UltraVacTM, che assicura un efficiente raffreddamento termoelettrico fino a -60°C, la CCD Andor iVac garantisce ottime prestazioni con affidabilità di lunga durata e operabilità priva di manutenzione, requisiti essenziali per l’integrazione in sistemi industriali.

Le CCD per Spettroscopia Serie Newton e iVac sono inoltre compatibili con tutti i modelli di spettrografi Czerny-Turner Andor Serie Shamrock, disponibili con lunghezza focale da 163mm a 750mm, e con molti altri spettrografi di terze parti.


1.76 MB
Newton CCD (1024 x 255 x 26 µm)


Spettroscopia di Fluorescenza e Luminescenza
Spettroscopia Raman
Spettroscopia NIR e SWIR
Misure di assorbimento, trasmissione, riflessione
Raman spectroscopy


Liquid cooling system EXT-440
UltraVac permanent vacuum head and performance longevity
Optical etaloning technical note
Camera windows
Software for cameras and spectropgraphs
Spectroscopy solutions brochure
Remote camera server


Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 1
Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 2
Remote Camera Server Online Seminar

Opinioni degli utenti

Title Author(s) Institute Year Detector/Spectrograph
A new imaging MAX-DOAS instrument
for measuring atmospheric pollution
A. Hilboll Institute of Environmental Physics,
University of Bremen, Germany
2018 Newton DU940P-BU,
Shamrock SR-303i-A
Strain tuning of excitonic resonances in atomically thin WSe2 R. Schmidt, R. Schneider, I. Niehues,
S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, R. Bratschitsch
Institute of Physics and Center for Nanotechnology,
University of Münster, Germany
2016 Newton DU920P-OE,
Shamrock SR-303i-B-SIL
Detection of nitrous acid in the Jülich Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR H.-P. Dorn Institute for Energy and Climate Research: Troposphere (IEK-8), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany2015 2015

Newton DU920P-BU
Shamrock SR-303i-A

MAX-DOAS  measurements  of reactive trace gases during two ship cruises in the Western Pacific F. Wittrock Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany 2013

Newton DU940P-BU
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Optical shutter modulated broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
in a pulsed planar plasma expansion: A new concept to search for the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands
A. Walsh1,
D. Zhao1,
W. Ubachs2,
H. Linnartz1
1Laboratory for Astrophysics, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
2Institute for Lasers, Life, and Biophotonics, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Newton DU940P-BV
Shamrock SR-750-A

Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotubes T. Hertel Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Germany 2010 Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Spectroscopy of ultrathin molecular films using tapered optical fibres
A. Stiebeiner
Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Germany

Newton DU920N-BR-DD
Shamrock SR- 303i-A

Identification and sizing of exosomes and microvesicles by Raman  microspectroscopy combined with tunable resistive pulse sensing E. van der Pol Biomedical Engineering and Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2015

Newton DU920P-BR-DD

Resonance Raman spectroscopy to characterize bacteria, and potential for future planetary missions J. H. Hooijschuur, F. Ariese Biophotonics and Medical Imaging, LaserLaB, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013

Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Development of a Raman detector for hyphenation with high-temperature liquid chromatography and isotope ratio mass spectrometry B. Fischer,
H. Bettermann
Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Düsseldorf, Germany 2013

Newton DU920N-BV

Ultrabroadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy J. P. R. Day,
M. Bonn
AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2011

Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL

Raman spectroscopy of L-serine single crystals during X-ray irradiation
D. Heintz X-ray Crystallography and Imaging, Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany 2011

Newton DU940N-BV
Shamrock SR-500i-A

Spatially resolved reflectance (SRR) measurement C. Reble,
J. Helfmann
Laser- und Medizin-Technologie GmbH, Berlin, Germany 2015

Newton DU920P-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL

Identification and sizing of exosomes and microvesicles by Raman  microspectroscopy combined with tunable resistive pulse sensing E. van der Pol Biomedical Engineering and Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2015

Newton DU920P-BR-DD

UV/VIS spectroscopy of membrane proteins encapsulated into artificial bilayer lipid membranes A. F. Geiss1,3,
B. Siebenhofer1,
P. Frank1,
Ch. Nowak1,3,
R.L.C. Naumann1
1Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Vienna, Austria
2Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria
3Center of Electrochemical Surface Technology (CEST), Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Newton DU920P-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Resonance Raman spectroscopy to characterize bacteria, and potential for future planetary missions J. H. Hooijschuur, F. Ariese Biophotonics and Medical Imaging, LaserLaB, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013

Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Photoluminescence mapping of GaN-based-nanostructure arrays J. Malindretos,
C. Hilbrunner,
A. Rizzi
IV. Physikalisches Institut, Festkörper und Nanostrukturen,
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

Newton DU920P-BEX2-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Sub-bandgap photoluminescence study on implantation-induced color centers in 4H-SiC M. Rühl,
C. Ott,
H. B. Weber,
M. Krieger
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 2017

Newton DU920P-OE
Shamrock SR-500i-B2

Nearfield Spectroscopy of a ZnO thin film S. Kühn Max-Born-Institut for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.,
2015 Newton DU920P-OE
Acton SpectraPro 2500i
Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurements on optically active GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor microtubes A. Koitmäe, R. H. Blick Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Institute of Nanostructure and Solid State Physics,
University of Hamburg, Germany

Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL

Spatially resolved spectroscopy on trapped excitons
R. Schwartz Institute of Physics, University of Rostock, Germany 2011

Newton DU940P-BV
Jobin-Yvon T64000

UV/VIS spectroscopy of membrane proteins encapsulated into artificial bilayer lipid membranes A. F. Geiss1,3,
B. Siebenhofer1,
P. Frank1,
Ch. Nowak1,3,
R.L.C. Naumann1
1Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Vienna, Austria
2Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria
3Center of Electrochemical Surface Technology (CEST), Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Newton DU920P-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of electrically bleached  semiconductor nanocrystals

J. Martin,
A. Weiß

Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, Chemnitz, Germany


Newton DU920P-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Spectroscopy application for engine combustion temperature determination F. Feldhaus,
I. Schmitz,
T. Seeger
Engineering Thermodynamics, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany 2017 Newton DU920P-BU2,
Shamrock SR-193i-A
Spatial and spectral measurements of transition radiation emitted by an energetic electron bunch accelerated in a laser-driven plasma wakefield C. Palmer,
L. Schaper
Plasma Accelerator Group, DESY, Hamburg, Germany 2013

Newton DU920N-BU2
iStar DH334T-18U-03
Shamrock SR-303i-A

High sensitivity in-situ and real-time differential reflectance spectroscopy during molecular beam deposition C. Weber,
J. Pahl,
S. Bommel,
S. Kowarik

Institute of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Newton DU920P-OE
Acton SpectraPro 150

Second-harmonic generation
Second-harmonic generation (SHG) for studies of surfaces and interfaces B. Braunschweig University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Particle Technology (LFG), Germany 2015

Newton DU920P-BU
Newton DU920P-BU2
Shamrock SR-303i-B


Ing. Alessandro Baratti
Ing. Alessandro Baratti


Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

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+39 06 5004204
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