MWIR spectral camera

FX 50 from SPECIM

The FX50 MWIR spectral camera integrates a high-speed, high-resolution cooled MCT sensor with a high transmissive imaging spectrograph. The camera offers a high frame rate of 377 frames per second. Even higher frame rates can be achieved limiting the number of spectral bands. FX50 is based on a cooled MCT detector with a spectral sampling of 8.44 nm/pixel in 640 spatial pixels and 154 spectral bands. The optics are temperature stabilized by a TEC cooler in order to guarantee constant high performance when looking at hot objects.

FX50 follows IP 40 standard to ensure usability under industrial conditions.

  • New spectral band 2,7 – 5,3 µm in MID IR
  • High spectral and spatial resolution
  • 16 Bit dynamics
  • Highest SNR with 1800:1
  • High frame rate of 377 Hz Full frame
  • Windowing mode for higher frame rates and multispectral features

Further information

The MWIR wavelength range allows scanning minerals and black polymers that cannot be seen in the SWIR. The system is perfectly suited for high-speed industrial or high-resolution research applications.

In the medium-wave infrared (MWIR; 2,7 – 5,3 µm) band, thermal radiation of objects is used to detect and analyze their composition. Hyperspectral imaging in the MWIR provides highly interesting information, as a lot of widely-used materials have characteristic spectral signatures in this range. Specim’s FX50 MWIR spectral camera combines a high-end cooled detector based on MCT with a Specim imaging spectrograph of highest performance. The FX50 MWIR spectral camera comes with specially designed front lenses with highest transmission and low optical aberrations to ensure the best possible performance.


Black polymer sorting
Environmental research
Chemical imaging
Gas analysis
Cultural heritage


FX50 High-speed spectral camera
Product range
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Stefan Wittmer
Stefan Wittmer


Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Stefan WittmerProduct Manager - Imaging & Materials Science & Spectroscopy
+49 6157 80710-63
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