Our partner Oxford Instruments Andor

Low-noise CCD detectors

iDus and iVac series from Oxford Instruments Andor

The iDus and iVac CCD detectors are designed with the lowest noise and highest quantum efficiencies to provide very sensitive and high dynamic range detectors for use in a wide range of both conventional and demanding spectroscopic applications. While die iDus CCD detectors can be cooled to -100°C, the iVac CCD models achieve very  fast spectral rates. The iDus and iVac series offer a variety of different sensor formats in order to optimize the detector for your specific application.

  • Front and back illuminated CCDs with anti-reflection coatings optimized for different wavelengths
  • Pixel sizes 15 µm, 16 µm and 26 µm
  • Thermo-electric cooling to -100 °C for negligible dark current
  • High quality 16 bit AD converter for low readout noise
  • USB 2.0 interface

Further information

The iDus and iVac are compact, yet feature-rich CCD detector series. They are suitable for demanding spectroscopy applications such as low-light photoluminescence or Raman spectroscopy as well as day-to-day routine laboratory operation and integration into industry-grade systems. The low-noise electronics offers excellent signal-to-noise ratios for a wide range of photon detection regimes. While the iDus series boast market-leading deep thermos-electric cooling to -100 °C for negligible dark current, the iVac CCD detectors offer much higher spectral acquisition rates due to their faster AD converter. Both series are complemented by Andor’s UltraVac technology for sustained vacuum integrity of the sensor. The popular ‘Low Dark Current Deep Depletion’ CCD sensor is available in the iDus 416 and the iVac 316 models. All iDus and iVac CCD detectors are compatible with the Shamrock spectrographs from Andor and with many 3rd party spectrographs.


1.19 MB
iVac 324 (1650 x 200 x 16 µm)
2.39 MB
iDus 420 (1024 x 256 x 26 µm)
3.74 MB
iDus 416 (2000 x 256 x 15 µm)
2.86 MB
iDus 401 (1024 x 127 x 26 µm)


Fluorescence and luminescence
Spectroscopy in the NIR and SWIR
Raman spectroscopy
Transmission, reflection, absorption measurements


Low dark current deep depletion technology technical note
Liquid cooling system EXT-440
Camera windows
Optical etaloning technical note
UltraVac permanent vacuum head and performance longevity
Software for Andor cameras and spectrographs
Spectroscopy solutions brochure
Remote camera server


Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 1
Webinar Scientific Cameras Part 2
Remote Camera Server Online Seminar

Reference customers

Title Author(s) Institute Year Detector/Spectrograph
Luminescence, Fluorescence

Advanced measurement of Visible & Near-Infrared photoluminescence in energy materials

L. Wolz,
J. Dittloff,
L. Todenhagen,
G. Grötzner,
I. Sharp
Walter Schottky Institute,
Technical University Munich,
2024 iDus DU416A-LDC-DD
Light emission from single Oxygen vacancies in Cu2O films probed with the STM A. Gloystein,
J. Gorobez,
N. Nilius
Institute of Physics,
Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany

iDus DU420A-BEX2-DD

Automated classification
of cavity coupled single photon emitters
P. P. J. Schrinner,
A. Eich,
C. Schuck
Institute of Physics,
Integrated Quantum Technology,
University of Münster, Germany
2020 iDus DV401A-BVF
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL
Optical spectroscopy of single nanowires M. M. Sonner,
H. J. Krenner
Chair for experimental physics I, Institute of Physics and Augsburg Centre for Innovative Technologies (ACIT), University of Augsburg, Germany 2019 iDus DU416A-LDC-DD
Shamrock SR-500i-D1-SIL

Characterization of a new type of optically active gate defined quantum dot

1 F. Liu,
1 T. Descamps,
2 J. Ritzmann,
2 A. Ludwig,
3 C. Zhao,
3 B. Kardynal,
1 H. Bluhm

1 JARA-FIT Institute for Quantum Information, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Quantum Technology
Group, 2. Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 Institute for Experimental Physics VI, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
3 Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-9), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

2019 iDus DU416A-LDC-DD
Jobin-Yvon FHR 1000
X-ray excited optical luminescence coupled with high-resolution X-ray diffraction on individual monolayer WSe2 flakes 1 R. Grifone,
2 D. Ziss,
3 J. T. Gutierrez,
J. Martín-Sánchez,
1 J. Raabe,
2 J. Stangl,
1 D. Novikov
1 P23 In-situ and nano-diffraction beamline, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), German
2 Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes-Kepler University, Austria
3 Department of Physics, University of Oviedo, Spain

Shamrock SR-303i-B-SIL

Photoluminescence spectroscopy in WS2 monolayers M. Liang,
A. A. El Yumin,
J. Ye
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands
2018 iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-500i-D1
Photoluminescence and ultrafast spin dynamics in gate-controlled GaAs quantum wells S. Anghel,
F. Passmann,
M. Betz
Experimentelle Physik 2,
TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
2017 iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-500i-B1-SIL
Temperature dependent photoluminescence of cubic group III - nitrides T. Wecker,
M. Deppe,
D. Reuter,
D. J. As
Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany 2016 iDus DU420A-BU2
Jobin-Yvon SPEX 370M
Photoluminescence spectroscopy of single-photon emitters in a WSe2 monolayer P. Tonndorf,
R. Bratschitsch
Institute of Physics and Center for Nanotechnology, University of Münster, Germany 2015 iDus DU420A-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-750-D1-SIL
Directional energy transfer in partly ordered polymer films P. Bojarski,
D. Jankowski et al
Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Gdańsk, Poland 2014

iVac DR324B-FI
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Femtosecond fluorescence spectroscopy based on the optical Kerr effect R. Mundt,
G. Ryseck,
P. Gilch
Insitute of Chemistry, University of Düsseldorf, Germany 2014

iDus DU420A-BU
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Thermoluminescence emission spectrometry of glass display in mobile phones and resulting evaluation of the dosimetric properties of a specific type of display glass

M. Discher,
C. Woda
Institute of Radiation Protection, Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany 2014

iDus DU420A-OE
Shamrock SR-163

NV-Centers in Nanodiamonds as Single-Photon Source L. Liebermeister Faculty of Physics, LMU München, Germany 2014

iDus DU401A-BVF

Characterisation of photoluminescence of colloidal semiconductor  nanocrystals B. Kardynal,
T. Stoica,
L. Xi
Peter Grünberg Institute-9, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 2013

iDus DU401A-BV
iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7
Shamrock SR303i-B-SIL

Spectrally resolved high-NA back focal plane imaging of fluorescence and nanolaser emission F. Koenderink,
H. Schokker,
M. Kamp
Resonant Nanophotonics, AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013

iVac DR324B-FI
Clara DR328G-C02-SIL
Shamrock SR-303i-B-SIL

Size and Shape dependent Photoluminescence Properties of Diamondoids and Cyclohexane R. Richter,
D. Wolter,
T. Zimmermann,
L. Landt,
A. Knecht,
C. Heidrich,
A. Merli,
J. Dahl,
R. Carlson,
T. Möller,
T. Rander
Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University Berlin, Germany 2013

iDus DU420A-BU2
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Confocal spectroscopy and microscopy in engineering education I. Beckers,
J. Landskron
Insitute of Physics, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany 2012

iDus DU420A-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Spatially and spectrally resolved Photoluminescence from single self-assembled Quantum Dots C. Bonato,
J. Gudat,
D. Bouwmeetser
Huygens Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Leiden, The Netherlands 2010

iDus DU401A-BR-DD

A hybrid Approach to Build up Photonic Device S. Schietinger, O. Benson Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany 2010

iDus DU401A-UVB
Acton SpectraPro 500
iXon DV885 LC-VP 4

Photolumineszenz- und Ramanspektroskopie an einzelnen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren A. Hartschuh Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany 2007

iDus DU420A-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Lumineszierende Minerale aus dem All A. Kaus Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany 2003

DV420-OE 1
Oriel Instruments MS125

Raman spectroscopic analysis of the β-carotene content of chicken skins D. Wu, A. F. Kukk Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT),
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
2022 iDusDU416A-LDC-DD
Marker‐free identification of cells via Raman spectroscopy R. Lensing1,
P. Nguyen2
1 Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
2 Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany

iDus DU416A-LDC-DD

Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a single mode nanophotonic-plasmonic platform F. Peyskens

Photonics Research Group, Center for Nano-and BioPhotonics, Ghent University,

2016 iDus DU416A-LDC-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A-SIL
Raman spectroscopy of Si(111)- (7x7) surface vibration modes, using a single monochromator with CCD detector U. Bass,
M. Liebhaber,
K.-M. Wolf,
B. Halbig,
J. Geurts
Experimental Physics III, University of Würzburg,

iDus DU401A-BVF

Confocal spectroscopy and microscopy in engineering education I. Beckers,
J. Landskron
Insitute of Physics, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany 2012

iDus DU420A-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Raman and near infrared spectroscopy of crystalline and amorphous silicon C. Schwarz,
P. Seidel
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Jena, Germany 2011

iVac DR324B-FI
Shamrock SR-500i-B1

Reaction Monitoring using UV- Resonance Raman Spectroscopy W. Browne,
S. Abdolahzadeh,
A. Draksharapu
Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands

iDus DV420A-BU2
Shamrock SR-303i-B

UV resonance Raman spectroscopy for micromolar detection of fluorescent compounds W. R. Browne,
A. Draksharapu,
S. Abdolahzadeh
Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands

iDus DV420A-BU2
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Measurement of Phase Equilibria States on Levitated Drops by Raman Spectroscopy S. Baer,
C. Esen,
G. Schweiger,
A. Ostendorf
Institute of Laser Applications Technology, University of Bochum, Germany 2010

iDus DU420A-OE
Chromex 250is

High–Pressure Raman Spectroscopy on Zircon ZrSiO4 H. J. Reichmann,
S. Speziale
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany 2010

iDus DU401A-BV
Shamrock SR-500-C1

Raman Microspectroscopy of Thin Film Silicon for the Application in Solar Cells F. Köhler,
S. Muthmann
Institute of Energy Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 2010

iDus DU420A-BU
Jobin-Yvon SPEX 270M

Raman Spectroscopy on Metal Oxide Thin Films N. Bahlawane Institute of Physical Chemistry I, University of Bielefeld, Germany 2010

iDus DU420A-BV

Photolumineszenz- und Ramanspektroskopie an einzelnen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren A. Hartschuh Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany 2007

iDus DU420A-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Schwingungsspektroskopie  mit CCD-Detektor S. Eschborn,
R. Feile
Institute of Solid State Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany 2004

iDus DU420A-BV
Jobin-Yvon spectrograph

Dark-field spectroscopy of single plasmonic nanostructures S. Dickreuter,
D. P. Kern,
M. Fleischer
Institute for Applied Physics and Center LISA+, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany 2017 iDus DU416A-LDC-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-B
Optical properties of silver and silver-cluster-decorated dielectric core nanoparticles M. Muldarisnur1,
A. Ezhova2,
K. Huber2,
T. Zentgraf1
1 Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany
2 Department of Chemistry, University of Paderborn, Germany

iDus DU420A-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Amplification of surface plasmons with quantum dots R. Kiselev,
M. Falkner,
A. Chipouline
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Jena, Germany 2013

iDus DU420A-BR-DD
Shamrock SR-750-B2

Versatile spectrometry in an educational environment M. de Bock Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 2012

iVac DR324B-FI
Shamrock SR-500i-B1

Microspectroscopy of single noble-metal nanoparticles F. Hallermann I. Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen, Germany 2010

DU420-OE 1

MAX-DOAS measurements of bromine monoxide (BrO) F. Wittrock Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany 2009

iDus DV420A-BU
Shamrock SR-163

Astrochemistry of Inter- and Circumstellar Matter H. Linnartz Leiden Observatory, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 2008

iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Weißlichtspektroskopie an nanostrukturierten Goldoberflächen A. Grujic,
U. Bovensiepen,
M. Wolf
Faculty of Physics, Free University Berlin, Germany 2006

iDus DV420A-OE
Oriel Instruments MS260i

Differential Optical Absorption Spetroscopy  (DOAS) F. Wittrock Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany 2004

iDus DV420A-BU
DV440-BU 3
Oriel Instruments MS257
Oriel Instruments MS260i

Optical spectroscopy in biomedical engineering B. Kessler,
W. Kullmann
Institute for Medical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Germany 2012

iDus DV420A-OE
iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Visual communication based on color signals in aquatic environments I. P. Rick,
D. Meuthen
Institute for Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, University of Bonn, Germany 2012

iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-163

Optical transmission spectra for analysis of bloodcomponents and -gases H. Gehring,
B. Weber
University Medical Center of Schleswig- Holstein and University of Applied Sciences Lübeck, Germany 2010

iDus DU420-BR-DD
iDus InGaAs DU490A-2.2
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Tissue Imaging on Mesoscopic Scale C. Spitz,
K.-H. Schönborn
Chair of Photonics, University of Potsdam and W.O.M. World of Medicine AG, Germany 2008

iDus DU420A-OE
Acton SpectraPro 300

Test der Transportfähigkeit von Na+/H+ Antiportnern mittels Laserinduzierter  Fluroeszenz T. Reeck,
A. Teubner
Institute of Biophysics, University of Hannover, Germany 2003

DB401-UV 2
Oriel Instruments MS125

Spatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy in the plasma plume of a Hall Effect thruster

C. Walter,
T. Sander,
C. Mundt

Institute of Thermodynamics, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany 2023 iDus DU420A-BR-DD,
Shamrock 500i-D1-SIL
Versatile spectrometry in an educational environment M. de Bock Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 2012

iVac DR324B-FI
Shamrock SR-500i-B1

Optical emission spectroscopy for plasma diagnostics A. Meiners Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Göttingen, Germany 2010

iDus DV401-BV
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Emissionsspektroskopie für die Ionenquellendiagnostik S. Weis,
K.-H. Schartner
Institute of Physics I, University of Giessen, Germany 2005

iDus DV420-OE 1

Astrochemistry of Inter- and Circumstellar Matter H. Linnartz Leiden Observatory, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 2008

iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-A

Lumineszierende Minerale aus dem All A. Kaus Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany 2003

iDus DV420-OE 1
Oriel Instruments MS125

Characterization of Organic Solar Cells M. C. Scharber Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, University of Linz, Austria 2014

iDus DU420A-OE
iDus InGaAs DU490A-1.7
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Raman Microspectroscopy of Thin Film Silicon for the Application in Solar Cells F. Köhler,
S. Muthmann
Institute of Energy Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 2010

iDus DU420A-BU
Jobin-Yvon SPEX 270M

Ultra-short Pulse Diagnostic with Spectral Phase Interferometry F. Tavella DESY, Hamburg, Germany 2009

iDus DV420A-OE
Shamrock SR-303i-B

Pulscharakterisierung  durch Spider-Verfahren T. Binhammer Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany 2004

iDus DU420A-OE
Oriel Instruments MS260i

Sum-frequency generation
Relative orientation of atomically
thin 2D semiconductors
C. Ruppert,
M. Betz
Experimentelle Physik 2,
TU Dortmund, Germany

iDus DU416A-LDC-DD

DU420 and DV420 replaced by iDus 420
1 DB401 replaced by iDus 401
3 DV440 replaced by Newton 940
4 iXon 885 replaced by iXon 888


Christian Iser
Christian Iser
Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Jennifer Kraus
Jennifer Kraus
Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen, Thueringen, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland
Markus Krause
Markus Krause
Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen, Thueringen, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland
Dr. Thorsten Pieper
Dr. Thorsten Pieper
Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Austria


Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Christian IserProduct Manager Imaging & Spectroscopy
+49 6157 80710-690
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Jennifer KrausProduct Manager Imaging & Spectroscopy
+49 6157 80710-692
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Markus KrauseProduct Manager Andor
+49 6157 80710-558
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Dr. Thorsten PieperProduct Manager Imaging & Spectroscopy
+49 6157 80710-754
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